01 January 2011

Let The 2011 Begin

New year, new blog... so cliché, I know! I just hope one year from now I will look back to this day and know starting a blog was the right decision for me.

I have been going through so much lately, some good, some bad that it occurred to me that I feel the need to have a place in my life to jot it all down, all of my feelings, all of my fears, all of my joys, a place to find clearness, a place where I can hopefully share this clearness with others.

I've never been that good of a writer. I find that I usually have things all figured out in the comfort of my own mind, but when it comes down to expressing my thoughts, they often come out as a complete and utter disaster! So, please, bear with me for a while!

Happy 2011 and talk to you very soon ;)
