04 January 2011

When Starting Is The Most Difficult Part

Good evening everyone!

If yesterday I thought I was busy, today gave busy a whole new meaning! From this morning at 7.30a.m. I didn't get the chance to sit down until 1p.m. and then again I was running around for the whole afternoon!

The weather wasn't as helpful as yesterday to improve my mood... it went:
from this

to this!!!

Come on!


So, beside the crappy weather, how did my 1st day of my 28-Day Challenge go?

Well, let me just say that I'll have to work a lot harder than I thought but I am not giving up!

* Exercise didn't happen, yet, but I might try to squeeze in some core exercises before bed but I'm not all that sure, I'm pretty tired already.

Note to self: it is not a good idea to stay up till 12a.m. if you are planning a 6a.m. workout, especially if you are desperately trying to get back into the habit of working out!

* Eating 5 meals today was quite hard too. I had my snack all planned out for mid a.m. but I was out with some clients (I currently work for a real estate agency) from 10a.m. to 1p.m. . I mean, seriously?! Needless to say I was going to eat my arm off by the time I got home. Anyway I did get a chance to have a snack between lunch and dinner and it was yogurt, a huge apple (I can't get over how huge it was! And it was from the farmer's market) and 10 almonds. Quite satisfying! I love this combo, it has the tartness of the yogurt, the sweetness of the apple and a lovely crunch from the almonds.

* Water was a challenge too. I didn't have my water while I was out with the clients this morning so as soon as I got home I gulped down almost 1liter of water, I was so thirsty! The afternoon got better though and eventually I ended up drinking just about two liters of water plus a cup of tea.

* On a brighter note I did a little bit of cleaning after dinner, so I guess this went better.

All in all, there's still a lot to improve but at least I know I am going in the right direction. I do know I would have done a lot worse if it wasn't for the 28-Day Challenge.

Off to bed in a bit, I need proper sleep if I want to avoid going nuts!


How was your day? Do you find it easy to stick to a challenge once you put your mind to it? Or do you need a few days to adjust?

