Good afternoon everybody!
Today I finally took a day off work, it feels so good. I don't even remember when was the last day I took off...
It's a lovely sunny day here and it really lifted my mood. So to celebrate I decided to make myself a breakfast bread. I love starting the day with something yummy, especially if I bake it myself.
This recipe is very healthy, light and packed with protein. Eating a mainly vegetarian diet, I'm always concerned about getting enough protein and this bread is just the perfect breakfast for me. It would also make a great post-workout snack.
So on to the recipe.
Breakfast Soy Bread (adapted from here, it's both in italian and english)
Note: I really need to learn how to have better lighting for my pictures!
Note: I really need to learn how to have better lighting for my pictures!
- 160g soy flour
- 1 tbsp flaxseed meal (optional)
- 2 tbsp coconut flour (optional)
- 2 tsp of backing powder
- 70g pure fructose
- 300g apples cored
- 4 egg whites
- 2 tbsp plain yogurt
In a large bowl wisk together the dry ingredients (soy flour, coconut, flaxseed, fructose and baking powder)
Then take the eggs and separate the yolks from the egg whites (later on I'll show you what to do with those yolks... since I really hate wasting food!)
Roughly chop the apples (I ended up using one apple and a quarter) and proceed snacking on the remaining apple ;P
Now the best thing would be to have a food processor to puree the apples, anyway if you are like me with no proper processor thingy just impovise and use a hand blender.
Note: to avoid the hand blender not actually blending the apples (true story, happened to me the last time I made this bread. As you can see I'm not what you would call a pro in the kitchen!) I suggest you blending half of the egg whites (if you already use all of the egg whites, you risk them foaming up waaaay more than you want them to. Again: been there, done that!) with a little bit of the apples. Once pureed, add the remaining apples a little bit at a time and blend your little heart out and eventually add the rest of the egg whites.
You should end up with something that looks like this
Then take your bread tin and cover it with baking paper (to make it sick to the tin a little bit better, wet the backing paper and make sure you squeeze all the eccess water out).
Mix dry and wet ingredients together (I did put the yogurt, it's under the apple/egg mixture)
And pour it in the tin
Now bake it for 40mins at 150C with alluminum foil on (make sure you don't wrap it too tight) and then another 25 mins with out the foil.
Here it is the finished product
It's a little bit denser than your regular bread but I really love it with coffe or tea!
* You can really play with this recipe, you can add chopped fruit to it (I once added pineapple and it was lovely), raisins, chocolate chips and you can also change the apples for other fruit. I tried it with bananas and also with unsweetened apple sauce (perfect if you don't have time to puree it yourself) and they both worked great.
* If you don't have fructose, feel free to use regular sugar (I don't usually use regular sugar because, suffering from migraines, I find it that it can give me really bad headaches)
* You can also use vegetable yogurt if you like.
Let me know if you tried it and whether you modified it and how. I'm always looking for suggestions :)
While I was busy baking look what someone else was doing...
This one really cracked me up (he was actually yawning)
What is your favourite thing to have for breakfast? When making some new recipe do you always sick to it or do you usually change it up? I sure know that for the life of me I can never sick to a recipe!